Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Dear Friends,

I am honoured to be inducted into the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers today by Marsha Lee, otherwise known as tchistorygal. Even though technically I’m a beaver not a girl, I feel sure that I will be a worthy member of this illustrious group. Thank you Marsha Lee!

Here are the rules for the award:

1. Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.

2. Answer 10 questions.

3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.

4. Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know that they have been nominated.

5. Include the award logo within your blog post.

Here are the 10 questions.

1. What is your favourite colour? I love brown – russet, taupe, sepia, copper, auburn…any of those. I tend to wear lots of brown.

2. Your favourite animal?  Penguins. I fell head over tail in love with a penguin once.

3. Your favourite non-alcoholic drinks? Hot chocolate! Did you see the story where I learned to make the best ever hot chocolate?

4. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook. I have my own album of travel photos there.

5. Your favourite pattern? I was recently given a beautiful quilt and I love the geometric patterns in it. I didn’t know so much could be done with triangles and squares.

  1. Do you prefer getting or giving presents?  Giving, but getting is great too.
  2. Your favourite number? 1

8. Your favourite day of the week? As a travelling beaver I love any day when I’m on the road, making new friends and seeing the world.

9. Your favourite flower? The edelweiss of course. It’s even embroidered on my hat.

10. What is your passion? Yodelling in the mountains.

These are the nominations for my favourite blogs. They have it all – travel, delicious food, clever things to make and clever stories to read.

  1. I used to be indecisive
  2. A Word in Your Ear
  3. The Habitual Runaway
  4. Joy and Woe
  5. being mrscarmichael
  6. Homemade With Mess
  7. A year in the Life
  8. bbeingcool
  9. The Crafty Mummy
  10. One Girl Revolution




  1. Thank you for my award, Justin, you are very kind. I’ll have to put my thinking cap on about those questions!

  2. Congratulations and thanks! 🙂


  1. Snapshots of Krakow: Old Town « A year in the Life

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