Wedding Party – Weekly Photo Challenge – Threshold

Dear Friends,

One afternoon while we were in Cologne Manny and I decided to take a cruise on the Rhine. We bought our tickets and settled in for a relaxing journey on the river.


Just as the boat began to leave the jetty we heard shouting and laughter. This jovial group was calling to the captain to wait for them – and he did.



As they came on board we realised that they weren’t just another crowd of tourists wanting to enjoy the sights of the city.


Neither Manny nor I had been to a wedding before so this was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. We joined the party and gave the bride our best wishes. She seemed very happy to meet us.


When the party was over the bride and groom walked up the gangplank together to a new life


and Manny and I toasted their future with a hot chocolate.


Later we were telling our friend Ursula about our wedding adventure. She told us there is a German tradition that if a bride meets a teddy bear on her wedding day it means there’ll be a baby on the way sooner rather than later.


No wonder she was smiling!



  1. what an uplifting day, JB.

    • That’s for sure mrsc. We never expected to be invited to a wedding when we boarded that boat! JB

  2. LOL, how very sweet!

  3. Looks like it was a great river cruise.

  4. What fun to be part of a wedding party – I wonder if the bride will be expecting twins (I know you are not a teddy bear, but the same tradition might hold for other small furry mammals!) 🙂

    • I wondered that too Elaine. Ursula thought I would qualify for this tradition. I just hope the twins don’t resemble us! JB

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